
Unmask your Ambient

Created by UltraGelb on Mar 8, 2005, 11:54 PM

Last update by todi on Mar 20, 2013, 2:00 AM
  You know how it feels like being lost in lots of windows on your Ambient and the need to rearrange them one by one to be able to simply click an icon hidden behind all that mess. Here is the cure to this annoyance.

Unmask is a small commodity which hides all windows on the desktop with one
keypress and brings them back with another keypress. Read the readme for more information.

V1.3 (23-Mar-2005)
- Now displays left/top edge and dimensions of each window in the context menu.

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V1.2 (12-Mar-2005)
- The number of hidden windows in the information window is now updated when a window is made visible again via the context menu. Also the corresponding entry in the context menu gets removed.

V1.1 (10-Mar-2005)
- The information window now has a context menu which contains all hidden windows.

- If started a second time the first unmask instance won't quit anylonger but will open its prefs instead.

- Now preserves the depth arrangement of the windows when reshowing them.

- Window count of hidden windows wasn't accurate. Fixed.