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MouseCoords Screenbar-Plugin V1.4

MouseCoords displays the current mouse coordinates in the screen's titlebar in a very configurable way. It also displays information about windows/layers when moving the mouse over them.

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ModernArt Blanker V3.3

Here is just a quick update to fix serious problems when the blanker was started for several screens.

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ModernArt Blanker V3.2

Another year (or two) has passed, another release of ModernArt Blanker is on your doorstep. It can't get any better.

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Screenshot Screenbar-Plugin V1.3

Screenshot.sbar can grab single Windows, multiple Windows, freely selectable rectangle areas, even areas simply drawn with the mouse and much more and save them in multiple image formats while residing patiently in your screens titlebar.

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AmigaZeux is updating all of its screenbar plugins in one go

Due to a bug in all of the library handling code used by all screenbar plugins by #amigazeux we were forced to recompile everything and fill the internet with countless updates. Also the brand new VideoMemoryGauge screenbar plugin has been released.

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TopTasks Screenbar-Plugin V1.4

TopTasks.sbar is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS that shows the task currently eating the most CPU time. When clicked it opens a window showing the top 10 tasks currently hogging all your precious CPU time. Furthermode it can display a history of the top tasks of the last 100 seconds.

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Screenshot Screenbar-Plugin V1.2

Screenshot.sbar can grab single Windows, multiple Windows, freely selectable rectangle areas, even areas simply drawn with the mouse and much more and save them in multiple image formats while residing patiently in your screens titlebar.

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Uptime Screenbar-Plugin V1.3

Uptime is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS. It displays the Systems Uptime in the screen title. Optionally it can display the current uptime vs the uptime record in a gauge.

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ModernArt Blanker V3.1 for MorphOS

In times of increased lack of produtivity apps what better can happen than a constant flow of updated modern blankers like the most modern of modern art blankers ever in existance. We are more than incredibly proud to bring you version 3.1 of this most impressive result our research and development department studio in Wetter came up with on a stormy sunday afternoon.

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Screenshot Screenbar-Plugin V1.1

Screenshot.sbar can grab single Windows, multiple Windows, freely selectable rectangle areas, even areas simply drawn with the mouse and much more and save them in multiple image formats while residing patiently in your screens titlebar.

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