
MouseEyes V1.0 released

Created by UltraGelb on Aug 26, 2009, 10:37 PM

Last update by guest on Feb 2, 2022, 9:26 PM
  MouseEyes are watching you prevaricate. AmigaZeux present at least someone to watch over you lonely people out there. With this harmless looking screenbar plugin that displays fun, user-configurable eyes that apparently look at and follow the mouse pointer no matter where it goes. But through this we can actually spy into your room, through your computer screen, and give details of your underwear to Genesi's guerilla marketing arm. This is secret information and you users won't know about it.

Requirements: MorphOS 2.0 or higher

Download MouseEyes V1.0 HERE

PS: Laire doesn't wear any (haha).