
ModernArt Blanker V3.1 for MorphOS

Created by ultragelb on Feb 9, 2020, 4:30 PM

Last update by todi on Nov 10, 2020, 12:21 PM
In times of increased lack of produtivity apps what better can happen than a constant flow of updated modern blankers like the most modern of modern art blankers ever in existance.
We are more than incredibly proud to bring you version 3.1 of this most impressive result our research and development department studio in Wetter came up with on a stormy sunday afternoon.
New in this release of the most up to date update of modern art blankers:
  • Movement speed can now be adjusted.
  • Palette can now be changed between Monochrome, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring and Night or just a random selection of them
  • Added Ribbon shape that draws smooth lines instead of individual shapes. This can be mixed with other shapes as before.

Download ModernArt Blanker V3.1 HERE