
dynAMIte 2.4 - The first non-SDL game for OS4

Created by todi on Jan 8, 2005, 12:52 AM

Last update by guest on Dec 16, 2020, 12:35 AM
  Just when you thought it was safe to return to online gaming, #amigazeux - in a very unusual and never seen before move - is excited to release dynAMIte 2.4.
Loads of fixes, optimisations, new features and workarounds for anti-Amiga code in OS4 go along with this remarkable new version of the best bomberman clone in history for the best Amiga hardware and OS ever.

"It blew me away the second I saw its startup window," said Grzegorz Galwas, dedicated dynAMIte player. "I was able to play this new version at a meeting in Hamburg against the best dynAMIte players worldwide", he continued, "and the fun and excitement it was dying is indescribable". After the tears dried he said, "I won't ever play it again!"

"In this exceptionally unusual move we of #amigazeux wish to break the current trend and support the Amiga community by actually releasing original software." said ****, CTO, who wants to stay anonymous for now, "We hope this situation is not too strange or alien."

Now, don't forget to feed your cat before starting this great game and play online to kill your best friends or be killed by them.

-- #amigazeux

Download dynAMIte 2.4 at